Arrival and Dismissal Times
Children should arrive between 8:50 and 9:00AM, having already eaten breakfast and dressed for the weather. Please walk your child into the building and to the preschool. Help to put his/her backpack and coat into their cubby. Help your child wash hands with soap and water. Greet teacher, and you're on your way. Have a great morning!
For dismissal, please arrive a bit before 11:30AM to pick up your child. Wait in the hallway or relax in our lounge until time for your child to be dismissed. It is important that you be on time. When a preschooler sees other parents picking up their children and no one is there to pick them up, he/she may get anxious and worried.
Child Release: Only adults authorized on the Child Pickup Form along with a photo of all persons listed on Pickup Form will be allowed to leave the building with your child. Please let the director know in writing or via text message, if there are any changes in the routine schedule of who is picking up your child. If an emergency arises and you need to send someone not listed on the Child Pickup Form, you must call to notify the teacher. The person you have designated to pick up your child in an emergency must show proof of identification or a photo sent by you with a text message.
In the case of special custody arrangements between the child's parents, please provide complete detailed instructions and any legal documentation in your child's enrollment records. All instructions will be enforced by Orenco Christian Preschool.
Calendar and School Closures
Our calendar will be given to you before the start of preschool. Our general school closures will follow the Hillsboro School District regarding holidays, winter break and spring break. As you plan vacations, you may note that we will be closed for the following holidays:
- Labor Day
- Veterans' Day
- Thanksgiving Day and the following Friday
- Christmas Break (H.S.D.'s Winter Break), including Christmas and New Year's Day
- Presidents' Day
- Martin Luther King Day
- Spring Break (as per H.S.D.)
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
Provider Closure
A substitute teacher may teach classes if teachers need to take an infrequent sick day. In the rare event that we have to close the school due to extended staff illness or family emergency, please select a back-up caregiver available to care for your child.
Behavior Expectations: We are committed to fostering kindness, care, respect and trust. In order to support the creation of such an environment for all children, we do not allow any fighting, kicking, pushing, biting, bullying, name-calling, physical aggression or exclusion at preschool.Children will work to identify and appropriately express their emotions. Positive attention and verbal praise will be used regularly to encourage and reward appropriate behaviors.
Children who behave inappropriately are dealt with in a way that preserves their dignity and trust. If a problem occurs, the teacher will employ simple redirections, speak with the child individually, and provide acceptable choices. If a child is unable or unwilling to demonstrate self-control, a brief quiet time will help them regain self-control.
What to Wear To Preschool
Please see that your child is dressed in comfortable well-fitting play clothes. We discourage fancy, delicate, or "dress-up" clothes. Most days we will go outside to play, please have your children wear shoes that will hold up to running, rain and maybe a little mud. The best kinds of shoes are the ones they can fasten and unfasten themselves. Please be sure that your child wears a coat when the weather is cool, wet, or frosty since we play outside most days. Please send in a bag with an extra change of clothes to keep at school for "emergencies." Your child may bring a backpack which may contain a special toy or blanket.
Birthdays are very important to young children. We celebrate each child's birthday on or near their special day. Children with summer birthdays are celebrated on their "half birthday." We encourage children who participate in these celebrations to bring store-bought treats to share with the class on his/her birthday or unbirthday.
Classroom Visits
Inviting community workers into the classroom to build upon the lessons taught will broaden students’ exposure to more knowledge and exploration within the classroom as well as their life experiences outside of the classroom.
Parent Responsibilities
We encourage parents to:
- discuss concerns or questions with our staff.
- read all notes and newsletters that go home.
- check their email regularly and add our email to their contacts list so our emails don't wind up in the "spam" folder.
- encourage their child's positive school behavior Entrance Requirements
- pick up their child on time
All children must be current in their immunizations. We must have a copy of this information before preschool starts.
Cleanliness Methods
In an effort to reduce the spread of germs, teachers and children wash their hands upon entering the preschool, after toileting, and before eating and food preparation. Hygiene, such as coughing into the bent elbow, wiping the nose with a tissue, and not sharing cups, are continually discussed. Tables and other surfaces, sinks, and toilets are disinfected daily. Floors are swept/vacuumed on a daily basis. Toys are cleaned weekly.
Despite our best efforts, illnesses do occur. Keeping your child home when he/she is sick prevents the spread of germs to other children and back to your child again. If in doubt, it is best to keep your child at home. If a child becomes ill during the day, he/she will be separated from the group and made comfortable while a parent or pre-arranged substitute is notified to pick up the ill child.
The law requires that children exhibiting any of the following symptoms (in the last 24 hours) be excluded from school:
- Strep throat, fever and has been on antibiotics for less that 24 hours
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Draining rash
- Eye discharge or Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
- Fever of 101 F or greater
- Lice or nits in the hair
Please let us know immediately if your child has been exposed to or contracts a contagious disease.
Administering Medicines
If your child needs to be given medicine during the school day, you will need to provide verbal and written permission and instructions. The medicine must be kept in its original container, clearly labeled with your child's name. Administered doses will be logged. Medications should be given to the teacher and kept out of reach of children.
Emergency and Accident Procedures
We stress carefulness and safety at Orenco Christian Preschool. The children are supervised closely at all times. Materials, furniture, and equipment are checked regularly to be sure they are in safe, working order. Medications, cleaning supplies, and other harmful substances and objects are kept out of the children's reach. However, accidents can still happen.
The director has been trained in CPR and Child First Aid. In the event of a minor injury, she will administer first aid. In the event of a medical emergency, 911 will be called. Parents will also be contacted as soon as possible in the event of any illness or injury requiring immediate medical assistance. Completed registration forms with emergency contacts for each child are kept in an easily obtained file for quick reference.
You will be notified of any injury or illness that occurs while your child is in our care. For injuries or illnesses that require medical attention, you will receive a written report.
Child Abuse
Those responsible for the care of children are mandated by law to report to Oregon Child Protective Services any suspicion of physical, sexual or emotional child abuse, child neglect or exploitation. We are not obligated by law to inform parents if we contact the police or Child Protective Services about possible abuse. Be assured we do this because the law requires it and also for the safety of our students.
Orenco Christian Preschool is available to all children without regard to race, sex, national origin or religious beliefs.