school holidays

2024-25 Calendar

The school year begins the day after Labor Day and ends the last week in August.

Labor Day

Veteran's Day


Christmas Break

New Year's Day

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

President's Day

Spring Break Week

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Staff Development Week (August)

Special events

Pumpkin Patch Day

Thankful Soup Celebration

Christmas Program or Party

Valentine's Party

Muffins with Mom

Donuts with Dad

Pre-Kindergarten Graduation

Summer BBQ

Daily schedule

7:30 am      Preschool Opens (full-day drop-off begins)

8:30 am      Half-day drop-off begins

9:00 am      All children begin class

11:45 am    Lunch for all children

12:30 pm    Half-day children go home

                   Full-day children begin rest time

2:30 pm      Rest time ends

3:00 pm      Pick-up may begin for full-day students

5:00 pm      Preschool closes

**All classes have their classroom schedules; this is a general overview.