"Orenco Christian Preschool has a great location! It is nestled in a quiet residential neighborhood, just minutes from the Orenco MAX station, close to Noble Woods Park, and within easy reach of Intel's Ronler Acres and Hawthorne Farms campuses. Two Hillsboro elementary schools are just a short walk from here."
"This preschool will stand out in the crowd. Its well-equipped play yard and adjoining colorful flower garden invite outdoor play of all sorts. A raised garden bed awaits spring flowers and a fall pumpkin patch."
"Orenco Preschool's supporting church will offer opportunities for our family to explore our faith as a family on Sunday mornings. We feel welcome there every day of the week."
"What impresses me most about Orenco Christian Preschool's team are their plans to honor and celebrate a longtime tradition of having quality preschool programs under their roof."
"Orenco Christian Preschool will be just what a grandparent wants for her grandkids --a safe, nurturing place with a wonderful staff in whose capable hands this grandma is comfortable placing her special little ones."